IKEA and Some Fun :-)

Hallo Loves!

Can you tell that I have finally finished with most of my essays?!? I have been posting so many things on this blog lately because I finally have free time to see the outside world again! Yay!

I also had a chance to go to the Siegen IKEA store with my friend yesterday. The last time I was in an IKEA was over two years ago in Pennsylvania. So, since my friend, Helen, needed some furniture for her new flat, we decided to take a trip there and ended up staying for almost five hours and she bought two carts full of stuff.

[Of course we took a couple pictures so I thought I would share them on here just for fun.]

If it wasn’t for the fact that Adam and I will be leaving in a couple months I would have bought some stuff myself! But, since we can’t pack IKEA furniture onto the plane I thought it was best just to browse while Helen purchased half the store. It was hard not to buy though! I had forgotten how much fun it is to shop for home goods, it has been such a long time.

Once we are back in the States again we have all of our furniture and belongings in storage so there will be no need to buy new furniture or anything, but maybe we will have to take another trip to Pennsylvania just to see what they have….hmmm….

Trying some Swedish Meatballs of course!
Our cart was so full I kept running into things.
This was after about four hours, I think we were getting loopy.

I also thought I would share the dinner Adam and I had with our friend Helen. She stayed with us for five days while she was looking for a new apartment so on her last day we had a little celebration dinner together and I thought it would be fun to show those pictures as well.

Helen brought us a bunch of Swedish sweets and we got a chance to Skype with her husband in Russia. So it was a nice evening and I will miss having her here in our kleine Wohnung!

We were excited about dessert!
Some snacks.
Off-brand Nutella… still good though!
This is a picture of the church outside our house. The sky was too pretty not to capture it.


We are children haha this is our stuffed animal with Helen’s stuffed animal.


Adam and his buddies!
Time to eat!






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